Dongcheng District Beijing China
Vietnamese Noodle Bar
Food & Beverage
10 May 2019 to 5 August 2019

65 sq m

Pho Susu, is a nood­le bar in the heart of the old city of Be­ij­ing. This pro­ject was able to re­in­vent the Susu brand’s ex­ist­ing style, while re­in­carnat­ing an al­most di­lapidated old tradition­al Chinese struc­ture. NAO brought the space back to life by de­molish­ing walls and ex­pos­ing the raw wood­en beams and pil­lars of the tradition­al struc­ture. Using a com­bina­tion of elm and pine, NAO created a majes­tic ceil­ing was­hed in warm spot lig­ht­ing. The space is ac­cented by a sig­na­ture ele­ment that runs through all four Susu loc­a­tions, which is the con­crete breezeb­lock backdrop. In the case of this Pho SuSu loc­a­tion the breezeb­locks are mol­ded in the shape of Chinese swal­lows and are back-lit to create a backdrop for the long row of ban­quet­te seat­ing. The last major ele­ment in the space is an in­fin­ity mir­ror at the ter­minus of the space, which opens up the en­tirety of the room and re­flects light in from the skylight above.